Friday, November 8, 2024

HRH Prince Antonio de Orleans-Braganza (1950- -2024)


The Brazilian monarchist group has announced the death of HI&RH P Prince Antonio of Orleans-Braganza.  He died on November 8, 2024 in Rio de Janeir.  Dom Antonio was 74 years old.

Prince Antônio João Maria José Rasso Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga was the seventh of 12 children of HRH PrincePedro Henrique Afonso Felipe Maria Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga (1909- 1981) and HRH Princess Maria Elisabeth of Bavaria (1914-2011).  He was born in Rio on June 24, 1950. 

At the time of his death, Prince Antonio was first in line to the former Brazilian throne,  His older brother, HRH Prince Bertrand (1941) is the head of the house.

 His civil marriage to  HH Princess Christine de Ligne occured on September 25, 1981, at Beloeil.  The couple's religious ceremony was held the following day at Schloss Beloil, the residence of Christine's parents, HH Antonio, Prince of Ligne, and his wife, Princess Alix of Luxembourg.

Prince Antonio and Princess Christine's 40th wedding anniversary  

The prince is survived by his wife, Princess Christine and three of their four children,  Princess Amelia Maria de Fátima Josefa Antonia Micaela Gabriela Rafaela Gonzaga (1984),  Prince Rafael Antonio Maria José Francisco Miguel Gabriel Gonzaga (1986), and  Princess Maria Gabriela Josefa Fernanda Yolanda Micaela Rafaela Gonzaga(1989) and two grandchildren, Joaquim and Nicholas Spearman, the children of Princess Amelia and her husband, James Spearman.

Prince Antonio and his family in 1998:  Courtesy of HH & RH Princess Christine

Courtesy of Pró Monarquia 

He is also survived by his siblings, Prince Bertrand, head of the House,  Prince Pedro, Prince Fernando, Princess Leonor (Eleonore),  Prince Francisco, Prince Alberto, Princess Maria Teresa and Princess Maria Gabriela.   Antonio became second in line to the succession following the death of Prince Luiz in 2022.  The other sons of the late Prince Pedro renounced their succession rights following their marriages to commoners.

Prince Rafael is now the heir presumptive to Prince Bertrand.

Princess Eleonore is the wife of Michel, Prince of Ligne, the brother of Princess Christine.

His eldest son, Prince Pedro Luíz Maria José Miguel Rafael Gabriel Gonzaga (1983) was killed in a plane accident on June 1, 2009.


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