Thursday, September 20, 2018

Meghan glows during first "solo" engagement

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The Duchess of Sussex's first solo engagement went off without a hitch although her husband, the Duke of Sussex, may have tried to sneak a Samosa without anyone looking.

Earlier today on the grounds of Kensington Palace, the Duchess hosted a luncheon to celebrate the publication of Together: Our Community Cookbook, which features the recipes from the women of the Hubb Community Kitchen.  The women were among the survivors of the Grenfell Fire in June 2017.

Hubb means love in Arabic -- and a lot of love was in the dishes served at the luncheon.

The Duchess of Sussex was accompanied by her husband and her mom, Doria Ragland, who flew from Los Angeles to see her daughter's project come to fruition.

In the last few hours, I have read a plethora of criticism directed toward Meghan and her mother from message boards hags and nags and racist bitches on Twitter.

Oh dear, Doria was in a tax-payer-funded car with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.  'Cuse me, but the seat she sat in would have been empty if she were not in the car.  No extra gas (petrol) was used.  The car came from Nottingham Cottage.   I doubt people would have gotten their knickers in a twist if Doria had been a foreign royal or the Duchess of Ragland.

I think Doria's presence had the ERII seal of approval.


 So many are also offended or upset because most of the guests were (GASP!) Muslims and black people ...  Oh dear ... so many must have suffered the vapors and headed for their fainting couches to recover.

The majority of the residents of the Grenfell Towers, including those who were killed in the fire, are not white.  So what?  Britain is a multicultural society, which is a good thing.  Celebrate it.

The Queen is the sovereign of 16 countries, where not all the residents are white or Christian.   If the Queen can be queen of countries where the majority of residents are black and accept it ... so can you.

The Duchess of Sussex hit a home run with this project, which has been in the works since before the wedding.  She made numerous private visits to the kitchen to meet with the women, and learn about their struggles - and how she could help.

The cookbook is already a bestseller. 

Well done, darling Duchess,  Well done.

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mamafrog said...

Good for her! Some people are going to be offended no matter what, so...well, I'll be a lady for a change here, just use your imagination!

Diane Brown said...

The comments are disgusting. They are also yapping about her Mother being at a royal event. I am sick of explaining "royal event' to these hateful people. Or they hate she is wearing black...again. The real issue as always is that she biracial. I say congrats to the Duchess of Sussex on putting her stamp on such a worthy cause. I ordered yesterday and cannot wait to start cooking. I loved how proud Prince Harry looked and how charming Doria was ~ both of them standing back to watch this marvelous woman in her moment. The naysayers need to adapt as Meghan is here to stay and she is running!!! Brava!

Bs one said...

Thank you Marlene, it’s a shame that something positive has been so maligned by people desperate to put this woman down.

Jérôme said...

You're so right ! Meghan rocks and her mother is a real lady.

bluhare said...

You go, marlene! Very nicely said. I did have to head to my fainting couch and lie down at your extremely accurate terminology though! 😁

Unknown said...

Thank goodness, someone has the audacity to speak the truth.

PB Coleman said...

I thought it was a great way to build relationships and unity. I can't understand the hateful, evil comments. These were women who are rebuilding their lives after the fire, and coming together to share food. Why the hate?

BTW, I plan on buying the cookbook.

Unknown said...

I hate to say this but...they are hating everything Meghan is doing for one reason, the color of her skin. Nobody complained when Carole Middleton attended functions. Why? The color of her skin.

protocol protection officer said...

Marlene, I'm a new royal watcher and follow you on Twitter. I appreciate your expertise and also your comments on today's wonderful event. I believe that the Duchess of Sussex brings a new element to the BRF and will bring a new audience. I believe it will be positive and additive. I ordered the Hubb Community Kitchen Cookbook and can't wait to get it. I was so impressed and inspired by all of the women involved. The project was fabulous from start to finish. Haters gonna hate but I think (hope) that the Duke and Duchess can stay focused on doing great things and staying close to each other.

Unknown said...

Go Meghan, Love what you are doing so nice to see someone in the Royal Family express themselves without reading speeches. You are really touching people and making a difference.