Friday, July 18, 2014

Prince of Wales likes American women

July 18, 1914

The Prince of Wales, 20, has begun to make "regular appearances in general society toward the tail end of the London season," according to the New York Times.  The heir to the British throne apparently shares his grandfather, King Edward VII's "liking for Americans."

Even a "grave commentator" like The Times has admitted that American women in London "possess more liveliness" than their English cousins.  This may have something to do with their democratic upbringing, and they are less likely to "stand in as much awe of royalty."   On the other hand,  the Prince of Wales can "feel uncomfortable" with the obsequiousness of the average English woman.

The Prince of Wales "wants to get as much amusement out of life" and is showing signs of resenting his mother's meddling.

When he goes out into "general society," he seeks out his own companionship.  It is the "prerogative of royalty" to revise lists of invited guests, but so far the Prince has not asked hostesses whose parties he has attended in the last two weeks, but he has sent them "in advance several names of persons whom he wishes to see at their houses.

Lady Essex, Lady Granard, Lady Maidston,e and the Duchess of Roxburghe, all American women, have appeared on the Prince of Wales' list.   The Duchess of Roxburghe is said to be a special favorite of Queen Mary.

The presence of "American-born women at Lady Salisbury's dance" has caused some comment because the Marchioness has always "disassociated herself somewhat from the American contingent in London.  At this event, Lady Salisbury was "compelled to observe the wishes" of the Prince of Wales, and to "extend her hospitality to as many Americans as she could induce to accept."

But it is "generally believed" that Queen Mary will "make every effort" to determine the "future entourage" of her eldest son.  If she has  her way, she will make sure the Prince of Wales is surrounded with "the friends and relations of those in her own household."

It will be interesting to see how the Queen will be able to pull this off.  The extent of her influence will be seen "in the names of the persons" on guest lists for future house parties that the Prince of Wales will attend.

There is a rumor making the rounds that the Prince canceled a visit to the country home of a member of the Royal Household because "the list of persons to whom he had asked to be invited to meet him," was revised by his mother.  Queen Mary scratched off three names, two of whom were American women.

Queen Mary is a "woman of strong character,"  and will continue to "retain the upper hand" until her son reaches his majority next June.

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