Monday, November 21, 2011

Queen Sophie's operation a great success


 November 21, 1931

Former Queen Sophie of Greece, widow of King Constantine, "underwent a successful operation today at Frankfurt-am-Main.   The Associated Press reports that her doctors say that her "condition gave no cause for alarm."

Queen Sophie, sister of former Kaiser Wilhelm II, arrived in Frankfurt several days ago from her home in Florence, Italy.   She is at the clinic of Dr. Carl von Noordon.  The surgery was performed by Professor Schmeden.

King Constantine lost the throne in 1924.  Since then,  Queen Sophie has been living in Florence "in seclusion."

Sophie's eldest daughter, Princess Helen, the divorced wife of King Carol II, was able to spend some time yesterday with her ten-year-old son, Crown Prince Michael.  The princess was en route to her mother's bedside.

The visit was for fifteen minutes and took place at the train station at Sinaia, where Michael is staying.   He "threw himself into his mother's arms," and was "scarcely able to tear himself away" when Helen had to leave.

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