Monday, November 2, 2009

Little Olav has a rival


 November 2, 1907 

 The "darling little" Crown Prince Olav of Norway has been disposed of by a "fickle" British public interest who have "enthroned" the infant "Prince of the Asturias," as their new favorite, according to the Los Angeles Times. 

Olav "has gone into retreat" with his mother, Queen Maud, at her home on the Sandringham estate, while little Alfonso "holds sway in town" From the morning until the evening, crowds gather outside Kensington Palace, hoping for a glimpse of the King and Queen of Spain, "and "especially of the baby." 

When the baby comes out with his "three attendant nurses and three footmen there is tremendous excitement." 

 King Alfonso "never fails to hold his baby up" to the carriage windows, so "followers may devoutly gaze on his royal features." 

The little Prince has a fair complexion like his mother, but he has "unquestionably inherited his father's very projecting lip, the historic feature known as the 'Habsburg' lip." Queen Ena has "signally failed to transmit her own beautiful mouth to her firstborn." Little Alfonso, who is nearly five months old, weighs nineteen pounds, and is the "healthiest, plumpest royal infant seen in Spain for generations." Every morning, Queen Ena takes "a constitutional walk" in Kensington Gardens. She is accompanied by her mother, Princess Beatrice, who is a stickler for royal etiquette, even during an informal early morning walk. Princess Beatrice maintains a pace behind her daughter.

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