Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Prince Albert speaks to People" Charlene "didn't leave in a huff!

For Immediate Release 

September 8, 2021 at 10:00am ET

PEOPLE Exclusive: Prince Albert 'Appalled' at Princess Charlene Rumors: 'She Didn't Leave in a Huff, She Didn't Go into Exile'

Prince Albert of Monaco tells PEOPLE about rumors of a rift in his marriage to Princess Charlene: "Of course it affects her, of course, it affects me"

NEW YORK - As Prince Albert awaits the return of his wife Princess Charlene to Monaco, His Serene Highness wants to set the record straight on rumors that have bubbled up in the midst of the Princess's extended stay in her native South Africa.

"She didn't leave Monaco in a huff!" Albert, 63, tells PEOPLE in this week's issue. "She didn't leave because she was mad at me or at anybody else. She was going down to South Africa to reassess her Foundation's work down there and to take a little time off with her brother and some friends." 

He continues, "It was only supposed to be a weeklong, 10-day maximum stay, and [she is still there now] because she had this infection all these medical complications arose."


1 comment:

Unknown said...

With all due respect one must try to read between the lines. People have been aware overhere in Europe that the princess has been trying too hard to emulate her late mother in law Grace Kelly and has unfortunately failed. The row has been brewing for at least 5 years. Monaco is an anomaly in Western Europe and the Grimaldis'appeal has been steadfastly declining since Albert replaced his father. They are no royals. Just a bunch of French millionaires squabbling on a big rock.