Monday, April 30, 2018

A boy for Maria Zurita

Doña Maria Zurita y de Borbon, daughter of Infanta Margarita of Spain, Duchess of Soria and Carlos Zurita y Delgado gave birth on April 28 to a son.  The baby was born prematurely as Doña Maria was only seven and a half months pregnant.     The baby weighed 3.7 Lbs.

The premature birth was caused by a detachment of the placenta, according to Hola.

This is the first child for the 42-year-old first cousin of King Felipe VI.

Maria was staying with friends in Pozuelo de Alarcón, a suburb of Madrid, when she went into labor on Saturday.  Although the baby is now in an incubator, he and mom are doing fine.

Maria has not been involved in a romantic relationship since breaking up with  designer Javier Larraínzar several years ago.  She had expressed a desire to be a mother and with her biological clock ticking, Maria opted for in-vitro fertilization.  The process took two years.

Her family, including King Juan Carlos, has been very supportive.   It is understood that Juan Carlos will be named as one of the yet-unnamed baby's godparents. 

Doña Maria has a degree in translations and interpreting from the European University. She is fluent in English, French Portuguese, Italian and German, and of course, her native Spanish.   In 2002, she founded her own business Zesauro Traducciones.

1 comment:

Clara said...

His name is Carlos (source, Hola)