Here is the guest list.
The Royal Family and the French family of HRH Prince Henrik
Hendes Majestæt Dronningen
Hans Kongelige Højhed Kronprinsen
Hendes Kongelige Højhed Kronprinsessen
Hans Kongelige Højhed Prins Christian
Hendes Kongelige Højhed Prinsesse Isabella
Hans Kongelige Højhed Prins Vincent
Hendes Kongelige Højhed Prinsesse Josephine
Hans Kongelige Højhed Prins Joachim
Hendes Kongelige Højhed Prinsesse Marie
Hans Højhed Prins Nikolai
Hans Højhed Prins Felix
Hans Højhed Prins Henrik
Hendes Højhed Prinsesse Athena
Hendes Højhed Prinsesse Elisabeth
Hendes Kongelige Højhed Prinsesse Benedikte
Hendes Majestæt Dronning Anne-Marie
Hans Majestæt Kong Konstantin af Grækenland
Mme Françoise Bardin
M. Guillaume Bardin
Mme Laurence Bardin
Fuldmægtig Charles-Henri Keller
Soeur Catherine de Monpezat
Le Comte Etienne de Laborde de Monpezat
La Comtesse Isabelle de Laborde de Monpezat
Le Comte Jean-Baptiste de Laborde de Monpezat
La Comtesse Gill de Laborde de Monpezat
Guests (alphabetical)
H.E. Alexandra Grevinde af Frederiksborg
Fhv. livrist, kammertjener Anker Andersen
Kommunikationschef Lene Balleby
Privatsekretær for H.K.H. Prins Joachim, oberst Søren Bo Bojesen
Kgl. jægermester, skovrider i Gribskov, hofjægermester Jens Bjerregaard Christensen
Fhv. hofchef for H.K.H. Prinsgemalens Hofstat, kammerherre, oberst Mogens Christensen
Erhvervssproglig fuldmægtig Marianne Gøttsche G. Dupont
Hofmarskal, kammerherre Michael Ehrenreich
Kabinetssekretær, ordenssekretær, kammerherre Henning Fode
Hofdame for Hendes Majestæt Dronningen Ane Vibeke Foss
Privatsekretær for H.K.H. Kronprinsen Morten Roland Hansen
Adjudantstabschef, oberst, kammerherre Lasse Harkjær
Kammertjener Jesper G. Jensen
Slotsforvalter på Fredensborg Slot, kammerherre, oberst John Kidde-Hansen
Formand for Folketinget, medlem af Folketinget for Dansk Folkeparti Pia Kjærsgaard
Ceremonimester, kammerherre, oberst Kim Kristensen
Økonomichef ved Den Kongelige Civilliste, kammerherre Søren Weiskopf Kruse
Kammertjener Olivier Laurent
Sekretariatsfuldmægtig i H.K.H. Prins Henriks Sekretariat, tilsynsførende Olivier Lesenecal
Sekretariatschef for H.K.H. Prins Henrik, major Nils Nykjær
Jagtkaptajn, chef for Kongeskibet Dannebrog, kommandør Christian A. Nørgaard
Privatsekretær for H.K.H. Prinsesse Benedikte, kammerherre, oberst Tommy M. Paulsen
Privatsekretær, hofdame for H.K.H. Kronprinsesse Mary Christine Pii
Statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen
H.E. Greve Ingolf af Rosenborg
Grevinde Sussie af Rosenborg
H.E. Højesteretspræsident Thomas Rørdam
Hofdame for Hendes Majestæt Dronningen, oberstinde Annette de Scheel
Præsident for Corps Consulaire, bestyrelsesformand, kammerherre, generalkonsul Fritz H. Schur
Hofchef for D.K.H. Kronprinsen og Kronprinsessens Hofstat, kammerherre Christian Schønau
Hofdame, privatsekretær for H.K.H. Prinsesse Marie Britt Siesbye
Slots- og Palæforvalter, major Michael de Voss
Hofdame for Hendes Majestæt Dronningen Annelise Wern
HE Ambassador of France Francois Zimeray
Marlene - It's very sad to see King Constantine in such a fragile state. Does he have a particular medical condition or is it just an age issue? I've always admired how he and Queen Anne Marie led their lives quietly and seemingly without fuss. Just sad.
He has been unwell for some time but I do not know why
I remember reading that King Constantine suffered a stroke around November 2016 while visiting Denmark. He may have suffered additional ones since then.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask a question regarding styles in the Royal family of Denmark.
Once and maybe still, if a Prince of Denmark didn't ask for permission to marry, they lost their style of Prince.
Second question is, the children of HRH, Prince Joachim are Highnesses. Those children's male descendants still style Highness's and Prince's as long as they have approval from the Monarch before entering a marriage ?
There seems to be no real pattern to follow.
Thank you in advance.
There were reports in 2016 that he had suffered a stroke but I dont think there was any official confirmation.
In Denmark, children of sovereign are HRH and Prince or Princess of Denmark. Children of the Heir apparent are also HRH. Everyone else is HH. The children of Vincent will be HH. However, all Margrethe's descendants are Count and Countesses of Montpezat. I believe that when Frederik succeeds to the throne, there will be a further limitation of the royal titles - Joachim's kids will not be working royals in terms of royal duties - so I expect that the three sons' kids will not be royal and will use the countly title instead. Although there is equality in succession, Isabella, Josephine and Athena cannot pass their royal rank to their kids.
Looks like Princess Elizabeth wasn't present. I wonder if she's ailing.
She may not have been invited as she as she is not immediate family. None of Benedikte nor Anne Marie's children were invited -- again not immediate family.
Princess Elisabeth is listed in the list above just after Princess Athena and was sitting next to the Queen's sisters.
Princess Elisabeth was there; she is on the guestlist. See DR's transmission of the funeral - skip to hour 1:46 to see Countess Sussie af Rosenborg greet the princess.!/
Princess Elisabeth was there; she is on the guestlist. See DR's transmission of the funeral - skip to hour 1:46 to see Countess Sussie af Rosenborg greet the princess.!/
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