Thursday, July 7, 2016

Franz Josef may abdicate


July 7, 1906

It is understood from reliable sources in Vienna that Emperor Franz Josef will abdicate in favor of his nephew, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, reports the Washington Post.  Although a previous rumor about the abdication was denied several weeks ago,  the report has been made again and in a "quarter which is considered authoritative."

Franz Josef realizes "he is very old," and he is worn out from the "constant Austro-Hungarian turmoil is wearing him out.  He and his close friends and courtiers believe that a "younger and more vigorous man" would help hold the reins of the dual monarchy.


It is "understood" that the chancelleries in Europe were "officially, but secretly, sounded" regarding the abdication in the last week.  All were in agreement that a new emperor, Franz Ferdinand, would enhance the country and Franz Josef if he stepped down.

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