Thursday, December 1, 2022

Estelle Manville marries Folke Bernadotte

December 1, 1928

Miss Estelle Romaine Manville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Manville, was married today to Count Folke Bernadotte of Wisborg, a nephew of King Gustaf V of Sweden. This was "one of the most brilliant society gatherings in recent years," according to the New York Times. The couple was married in the "small, ivy-covered Episcopal Church of St. John in Pleasantville, New York.
The church's interior "sparkled as decorations, jewels, and dress uniforms flashed in the light of hundreds of candles."

All modern lighting was shut off for the ceremony, and "red candles in sconces cast a soft glow over the scene."
A reception at the Manvilles' country home, Hi-Esmarco, where 1000 guests awaited the bride and groom. Only 250 guests attended the wedding service.
More than 2000 people, many of whom had known Miss Manville since childhood, stood outside the church and lined the mile-and-a-quarter route between Hi-Esmarco and the church.

Count Folke's wedding present to his bride was a diamond tiara, which she wore on top of the veil. King Gustav's gift was a large diamond and pearl brooch.

The wedding took place at 4 p.m. when the guests were all in their seats and the wedding party arrived.

 Hereditary Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden was Count Folke's best man.

Lohengrin's wedding march was sung by two choirs as the bride was escorted down the aisle by her father. It was a single-ring ceremony, and the word "obey" was omitted from the service.


 The bride wore a princess gown "of ivory-colored transparent velvet, having a long fish-train train with a panel down the center of wide Venetian point lace," which had been in the bride's family for years. The train part of the skirt was bordered with seed pearls.

Instead of a wreath of orange blossoms, the bride wore a nine-pointed coronet of diamonds, which was made by the Swedish court jeweler. Estelle will wear this coronet when presented to the Swedish court in January. 


 The "superb veil of old Brussels lace, mellowed with age to a deep ivory color," belonged to Count Folke, who inherited it from his grandmother, Queen Sophia. The bride carried a sheaf of calla lilies tied with a silk ribbon, and she wore a diamond and pearl pendant.

 The Count and Countess will spend their honeymoon in the United States. Tomorrow they will be in Washington attending a White House luncheon hosted by President and Mrs. Coolidge. Hereditary Prince Gustaf Adolf and other members of the Swedish royal family will also be present.  Christmas will be spent at Hi-Esmarco, and then the Count and Countess will go to Stockholm, where they will live.

Books (Amazon, on the life of Count Folke Bernadotte 

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