Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A reconciliation for Carol and Helen?

June 9, 1930

Bucharest news sources are reporting that King Carol II had "apparently obtained the consent of Princess Helen to an annulment of their divorce."

An official announcement of the reconciliation is expected tomorrow. Carol has "consistently refused to recognize," the divorce, according to the New York Times. The decree will be annulled and the "royal pair will take up life together where they left off."

This report "contradicts an earlier one" where the Princess Mother "refused to resume" her marriage with Carol, but would remain in Roumania.  The education of their son, Michael, "would be undertaken by Carol."
Carol's brother, Nicolas, and sister, Queen Elisabeth of the Hellenes, have been acting as intermediaries to effect a reconciliation. However, it is "an open secret" that Elisabeth and her husband, the exiled King George II of the Hellenes, who is Helen's brother, have been having marital problems.

Carol visited his former wife and his son at their home last night. Princess Helen had been informed of the visit by Prince Nicolas. She entered the "audience chamber" with Michael, "pale and proud." Carol kissed Helen's hand before "embracing her son."
He spoke only a few sentences to his former wife, and she "gave even briefer replies."

To all who were present, it was a "painful meeting" between Carol and Helen. Michael, however, "was glad to see his father again, and, with no understanding of the true inwardness of the situation,", left the room, "prattling merrily," although his mother was in tears.

Carol spent about an hour with his son and then returned Michael to his mother.
Today, the King visited the grave of his father, King Ferdinand. He also received a telegram from his mother, who offered congratulations to her son. Carol, in response, "let bygones be bygones, and sent an "equally warm phrased reply." Queen Marie is expected to return to Bucharest in a few days, and Carol will "give his mother a royal welcome."

After she learned last night that her son had been proclaimed King, she said: "The will of the Rumanian people is a law from which there is no appeal. I hope everything will turn out for the best." According to her adjutant, Queen Marie sent telegrams to both her sons, worded: "My sons, I embrace you."

The adjutant denied that the dowager Queen used "her influence against Carol's return, however much gossip and scandal have tried to represent her doing so." The adjutant was also asked about the reason for the postponement of Princess Ileana's return to Bucharest. The Princess, it is rumored, is delayed due to a "flirtation with an aristocratic English Colonel." The adjutant laughed and replied: "It might be so. We have all been young once, but she returned in any case on June 18 on the steamer Regele Carol."

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