
Friday, November 22, 2013

Olga Duchess of Leuchtenberg

From the Monterey, CA, Herald's classified death notice:

MONTEREY – H.S.H. Olga Duchess von Leuchtenberg de Beauharnais passed away Tuesday evening at 9:30 p.m. of complications from a stroke. She was born in Zgurowka, Russia on November 15, 1926. She leaves behind her daughter, Lisa Duchess von Leuchtenberg de Beauharnais Craft; her husband, John Craft and their children, Tasha Dandrea and her husband, Tony, Nicholas Craft, Jonathan Craft and Andrew Craft. She also leaves behind her sister, Galina and her family of Canada and Australia and her cousin, Valentina.
She was the best mother that any one could ever have and adored her grandchildren, daughter, and son- in-law. She will be terribly missed!
A memorial service will be held this Saturday, November 23, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at the Casa Munras Hotel in Monterey in the Marabella Room.

Olga, was the third wife of Duke Sergei of Leuchtenberg (1903-1966).  His first two marriages ended in divorce. Serge married Olga Wickberg in Munich on July 23, 1945.

The couple had two children,  Serge (1955-2000) and Elizabeth, known as Lisa (1957).   The late Duke Serge also had four children by his first wife, Anna Naumova.

The late Duke Sergei was a great-grandson of  Maximilian Beauharnais, Duke of Lecuchtenberg, who married Grand Duchess Maria Nicolaievna of Russia, eldest daughter of Nicholas I.


  1. I met Olga in 1975 in Cambridge, MA; when we lived in the same apt building on Massachusetts Avenue. She lived on the top floor; and had at least one cat in residence. She was a painter and lived a decidedly bohemian lifestyle. I knew she had a son and a daughter. She was very kind and helpful to me on more than one occasion! I still possess an exquisite embroidered jacket she gave me (and can still wear it!). There was a label inside that read, "Princess Obolensky, Park Avenue." Alas, the label fell off and/or was removed the second time I had the jacket dry-cleaned. In 2002 I had the pleasure of meeting Prince Serge Obolensky at the Residence of the Russian Ambassador to the United States; where a gala was held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Scriabin. A friend of mine--Dr. Wilton S. Dillon, Senior Scholar Emeritus at the Smithsonian--introduced me to the Prince and Princess Obolensky. I was wearing the jacket; and mentioned Olga to him. He said that members of the Leuchtenberg de Beauharnais family are buried in the Obolensky family plot.

    Funny: via a description of the Cameo Tiara owned by the ruling royal family of Sweden, the Bernadottes, I came across information that traces the tiara back to the Leuchtenbergs!! A very small circle has caught up with me after forty years!

    Olga is one of my most unforgettable personages that I have had the pleasure to meet. It just so happens she was a Duchess--

    I shall always remember her...and will always cherish her jacket!!

  2. Hi Georgina

    This is Stephanie, Olga's daughter. It's interesting though, the Olga referenced in the obituary above is my grandfather Serge's third wife but not my mother, his daughter, also Olga. My mother died 11 years ago and is the family plot in Lenox Mass with the Koussevitsky's with my grandmother and aunts. My mother was certainly a colorful figure and a magnificent artist. I have much of her art and am looking to have a show and share her beautiful pieces. Her talent was extraordinary.

    Thank you for your memories and thoughts! Stephanie
