
Thursday, July 18, 2024

Day 4 - Part 1 (June 10) Edinburgh -- can you find Clarence the Corgi?

  We did not have to change our plans thanks to the rental car.  Alison's mini was in an Aberdeen repair and we were heading to Edinburgh for tours of the Royal Yacht Britannia and Holyrood House.  

The Britannia is one of the top tourist attractions in the United Kingdom.  This could be do to a corgi named Clarence ... or the Royal Family.

A Rainbow over Loch Tay

    After breakfast in our Kenmore Club cottage (the kitchen was larger than mine), we were on the road to Edinburgh.  The only traffic we hit was as we approached the city, but it was a small traffic jam, and we got to the Ocean Terminal in Leith with time to spare. 
Much to our delight, the mall included a Starbucks - a loo and COFFEE!!  Americans can use their Starbucks app in the UK, but no stars for purchases.

 The car spent the day in the Terminal parking garage.

The Royal Yacht Britannia tour is a self-guided tour that takes several hours especially if you stop for lunch and want to make sure you find Clarence the Corgi.  That would be me!

Will you be able to find Clarence?

Ready to board

Clarence?   I found Clarence!!!!  

I did not take photos of the funnels as they are under repair.  I wanted to photograph the entire ship, but the construction barred this.  

I want this ship to leave for Scrabster in the next 20 minutes!

Overlooking the Water of Leith

Clarence?  is that you?

Clarence is interested in where I am 

Looking for my first class cabin

So says the late  Queen

We took a break from our tour (the ship has several levels) to have lunch in Royal Deck Tearoom.

The chicken sandwich was delicious.

Princess Margaret's drinks

Clarence relaxing

The Queen's room.   All of the rooms are protected by glass - you can see in, but cannot walk in.

A devoted Clarence

the family photos on display were amazing

Clarence gets around

Clarence needs a drink

this wombat would be tossed around during games.

The tour takes you through the family's quarters,  the dining areas, the crew's area, the medical facility, and even the laundry room.  There is also time to interact by putting on clothes and pulling a pint. Or sit in the captain's chair.  

Difficult to photograph photos behind glass 

the menu was for Queen Elizabeth's State Visit to Sweden. On June 10, 1956, she hosted a dinner for King Gustav VI Adolf - 68 years to the day when I visited the Britannia

Clarence is everywhere I go!!!!

the Crew's bar 

Clarence has made it to the crew's quarters

Post office -- no Clarence

Oh dear, Clarence is in the ship's hospital

During one game, the wombat suffered an injury that required surgery

In the laundry room

the final part of the tour was outside

Clarence says goodbye, thanks for coming.  

Clarence was in the back window of the Rolls



Michael and Alison Rhodes

After our tour, we headed to the shop -- a new one is being built -- where I bought a few postcards and got a prize, too .. this is my favorite souvenir.

Next stop: Holyrood Palace.  I ordered an Uber to take us to the Holyrood Palace, which will be featured in an upcoming post.


  1. A friend of mine was there on Tuesday and your pictures are SOOOOOO much better than the ones she sent to me. Looks fabulous.

  2. Do you know if the framed photographs hanging on the walls like the ones of Princess Anne and Princess Alexandra(?) in the smaller dining room with the green curtains, have been added since the yacht was docked? I'm just wondering if once upon a time there were paintings.

  3. the photos are original -- everything is there as it was when the yacht was decommissioned

  4. I visited Brittania twenty years ago, the entrance was very expensive. I noticed such a lot of additions since then I will never forget the picture of the Queen crying when it was its end . I was impressed by the great table where such a lot of Royals and Head of States were invited for diner. I am always writing with the pale blue pencil I bought in the shop.
    Thank you for our many pictures. I may not travel anymore so I enjoy !
