Friday, May 31, 2024

Royals out in force for two memorial services

 The memorial services for Sir (John) Chippendale (Chips) Keswick and Donald Cameron of Lochliel took place in London on May 30.

The King and Queen attended Sir Chip's service at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge. Sir Chips died on April 17, 2024, at 84.  He was a merchant banker, a former chairman of Hambros Bank, and a Director of the Bank of England.  He also served as  Chairman of the Arsenal Football Club.   

The Princess Royal was represented at the service by the Earl of Dalhousie and Princess Alexandra, the Hon. Lady Ogilvy, was represented by Mrs. Diane Dukes. 

His widow, Lady Sarah, daughter of the 16th Earl of Dalhousie, is one of Queen Camilla's Lady Companions.   Lady Sarah and her late husband were second cousins, great-grandchildren of Simon Fraser, 13th Lord Lovat, and Alice Maria Weld-Blundell.    Sir Chips was the grandson of Lord Lovat's daughter Hon. Ethelreda Fraser and Sir Francis Oswald Lindley and Lady Sarah is the granddaughter of Ethelreda's sister, Hon. Margaret Fraser and Brigadier General Archibald Stirling.    

Lady Sarah and their three sons survive him.

all photos @Ken Stone

Leonora, Countess of Lichfield

Lady Susan Keswick

Brigadier General Andrew Parker Bowles

The Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke of Kent, and Lord Nicholas Windsor attended David  Cameron of Lochiel’s memorial service, held at St. Columba's Church of Scotland in London.

Donald Cameron of Lochiel was the Chief of Clan Cameron.  He was 77 years old when he died on October 23, 2023.   Lochiel was a "trusted friend of the Royal Family."   He began his career as a lending banker, but "found his niche as Schroders’ head of personnel in London, responsible for graduate recruitment and mentoring."  In the 1980s, he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. 

On June 1, 1974, he married Lady Cecil Kerr, daughter of the 12th Marquess of Lothian.  Their wedding was held in Edinburgh at the Cathedral of St. Mary the Virgin.  The Prince of Wales (Charles III), Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips, Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, and Prince Michael of Kent were guests at the wedding.  The Duke and Duchess of Kent's younger son, Lord Nicholas Windsor was one of the pages.

Donald Cameron of Lochiel is survived by his widow, three daughters, and one son. 

Lord Nicholas Windsor  @Ken Stone - all photos 

Thanks to Ken Stone who was able to photograph both events.   Impressed!!!

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