
Tuesday, August 27, 2019


A gentle reminder -- if you are using an adblocker,  can you please unblock Royal Musings and Royal Book News?

I am using Google's Adsense and Amazon links to try to earn a little money for the work that I do on the two blogs.  I use the Adsense revenue to pay for my cell phone bill -- finally added a data plan in June.

Adblockers block ads and Amazon links, which mean readers cannot see or use them.   I also make a few pennies each month from Amazon links and the Amazon search boxes where you can search and purchase anything that Amazon sells.

The Amazon search boxes for Amazon US and Amazon UK are to the right of the main text boxes, where I write my articles.

Much thanks,

Marlene, Sienna and Harper.


  1. The balcony pix are always wonderful. This must an older one or cropped since I don't see Freddie Windsor or the Prince or Princess Michael.
