Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Infanta Eulalia to divorce?

July 17, 1912

The Daily Telegraph's San Sebastian correspondent tells the New York Times that "great annoyance has been caused in palace circles by the supposed plans" of Infanta Doña Eulalia to divorce her husband.

Apparently "official negotiations" are taking place to prevent the "realization" of Eulalia's plans.

"Well-informed sources" are saying that it is Infanta Eulalia's husband who is; desirous of obtaining a divorce," and because of this view, plans are being made to "obtain French nationality for the couple." 

Eulalia's estranged husband, Don Antonio, currently lives near Seville.

There are very "serious consequences to be faced," and "complex questions" which will be difficult to find a solution.

The Spanish Embassy in Paris is said to be working hard to continue the "domestic modus vivendi" between the Infanta and her husband.  There are rumors that Eulalia wants to wed a French writer.  She also has plans to write a book "explaining her past and present attitude."

The Spanish government is most concerned about Eulalia's intention and will be discussing the matter at the Council of Ministers next week.

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