
Monday, March 5, 2012

Zizi files suit against Carol

March 5, 1926

Zizi Lambrino and her young son, Mircea are living in a "pleasant house on the outskirts of Paris with Romanian friends, reports the New York Times.

For the past five years she has been "the deserted wife of a husband" who abandoned her to marry a princess "on the order of his father," and later "abandoned both his princess and his rank."

Today,  Zizi filed suit against the former Crown Prince Carl, asking for 10,000,000 francs "in recompense."  She told reporters: "To my statement to the Paris Court I have nothing to add.  I am acting on behalf of my son, whose rights are unquestionable."   She did not speak of her "long martyrdom."  

Prince Carol left her even before the birth of their son.  He was on a voyage to Japan,  but "wrote her affectionate letters."   Had he not been a prince, but a private citizen, he "might have remained a faithful and devoted husband."  He had been a "fierce lover, for his passion had twice carried him through the  enemy's lines to his bride."  They were married at Odessa when Romania was at war with Soviet Russia.

As heir to the Romanian throne,  Carol could not marry Zizi, so the marriage was annulled.  But now things are different.  Zizi and her son are not "now alone because of reasons of rank."  Carol has deserted them for yet another woman.

Carol's secretary issued a statement on behalf for the former heir to the Romanian throne.  "I am not here to start any polemics with Mme. Lanbrino."    His lawyer will defend his interests.  Carol's statement also noted that his marriage  was annulled  by the proper authorities in his country. Mme. Lambrino never contested the judgement.

Every year, a sum of 10,000 francs has been placed at Zizi's disposal for her and her son.

"I count upon the generosity of the opinion of the French public to understand the delicate reasons which prevent me from saying more."

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