

All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or published without the prior approval of Marlene A. Eilers Koenig. You can provide a link to the blog or to a post on the blog. 

Do not copy photos from this website. It is illegal. If you wish to use a photo, please contact me. Intellectual property laws apply to the Internet as well as the print media.

Please credit Marlene A. Eilers Koenig


  1. I found your blog by accident and wanted you to know that I so enjoy what you are doing. I will check in with you on a 2/3 times a week to hear about the royals. Thank You

  2. The Duchess is lovely. How are you to be contacted about use of your pics?

  3. How can you have copyright when you yourselves use many photos from Getty Image that are NOT copyright free?

  4. Getty has released many photos that are allowed to be embedded in blogs. Some collections such as Life Magazine, Ullstein & Paris Match collections in Getty, do not have the embedding code. We are allowed free use of these photos. Sometimes photos get removed from the free -- and then you are left with white space.

  5. should add --the embedding code allows Getty to see how the photos are used.
