
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Prince Constantin of Schleswig-Holstein marries Countess Sophia von der Schulenberg

HH Prince Constantin of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and Countess Sophia von der Schulenberg were married in a religious ceremony on June 1.  The wedding was held at the Parroquia de Sant Bartomeu in Sóller, Mallorca, Spain.  

More than 200 hundred guests attended the wedding, including the newly married Hereditary Count and Countess Fugger von Babenhausen and Prince Josef-Emmanuel and Princess Claudia of Liechtenstein were among the guests.

The bride wore the Schleswig-Holstein's Bow Tiara, which has been in the family for over 100 years.  Constantin's great-grandmother, Princess Melita of Hohenlohen-Langenburg wore the tiara when she married his great-grandfather, Duke Friedrich of Schleswig-Holstein in 1916.

Marlene A Eilers Koenig collection

The reception was held in the Jardins d'Alfàbia.  The newlyweds drove to the reception in an old Fiat 500 car.  Princess Sophia's father owns a finca in Sóller, and the Holstein family has a vacation home thirteen miles away in Santa Maria.  

The two families have known each other "for ages." Constantin told the German newspaper, Bild. "We met when we were 18 and have always stayed in touch.  And at some point, a close friendship turned into love."

 Sophia's first cousin,  Alix Preuss-Neudorf,  is married to Constantin's younger brother, Prince Leopold.

Prince Constantin is the third of four children of the late HH Prince Christoph of Schleswig-Hplstein-Sonderburg-Gucksburg and Princess Elisabeth of Lippe-Weissenfeld.   Princess Sophia is one of four children of Count Fritz von der Schulenberg and Baroness Franziska von Knigge.   Count Fritz is the CEO & Managing Partner of Jebsen & Jessen

His father died after a long battle with cancer in September 2023.

Constantin told Bild: "For my mother, our wedding is definitely pure joy, but it is also said that my father is not here.  But we have a few items in the program in church and at the celebration that will allow my father to be here some way."    The late Prince Christoph attended Constantin's civil wedding. "We are very grateful that my father was able to witness the birth of Tassilo.  He met the baby, and already got married in March 2023.  We celebrated it in a big way with the family, and he was able to be there too."

The couple's 10-month-old Prince Tassilo arrived at the wedding in a wicker basket pushed by one of the flower girls.

After working for McKinsey for seven years, Constantin started  LAGERLÖWE Self Storage in 2019 in Hamburg.   He has two master's degrees, in economics and management from St. Andrew's University and finance and private equity from the London School of Economics.   Sophia works 

Constantin is the second member of his family to marry in Mallorca.  His uncle, Prince Alexander,  married Barbara Beata Fertsch in San Cabeneta in 1994.

Prince Constantin is a descendant of Queen Victoria.

Victoria - Alfred - Alexandra - Marie Melta - Peter - Christoph - Constantin

I have asked about using one or two of the wedding photos.  I will not violate copyright by lifting the photos from Bild or UltimaHora.  I have provided links to the articles so you can see the images from the wedding.

1 comment:

  1. Sophia von der Schulenburg is maybe related to Melusine von der Schulenburg , who lived in the 17th century?

    Thank you for the News.

    Greetings to Harper and Fleur.

