
Thursday, June 6, 2024

A Ducal wedding

 If you are in the crowd in Chester tomorrow for the wedding of the Duke of Westminster and Olivia Henson, you will find free ice cream and gelato, paid for by the Duke of Westminster.

The officiant for the ducal marriage is the Very Revd Dr Tim Stratford.  He spoke to the Chester Standard about the wedding. 

“They are a delightful couple and they have put a lot of thought and imagination and creativity into the service, so it’s a really lovely event to be a part of.

“It was a long way back in history that a very early ancestor of the present Duke was actually responsible for the foundation of the abbey on this site in 1092.”

Dr. Stafford added: “In many ways, preparing for this has been the same as preparing for any wedding that we do. The couple are more in the public eye, so there’s been more to be done in terms of security and the impact that a wedding that so many people will be interested in will have on the city centre. “But in terms of the clergy’s preparations with the couple for the service, they have all the same sort of questions and things to think about as any other.

And where the free ice cream will be available.

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