
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Prince Stanislaus of Bavaria marries


all three photos @Haus Bayern

HRH Prince Stanislaus Maria Hermann Theodor Philipp of Bavaria and Isabella Sophia Hampel were married on May 25, 2024, at the Benediktiner-Kloster, Stift St.-Peter in Salzburg, Austria.  The couple's civil marriage took place in Salzburg in January 2023.  

Prince Stanislaus is the second of four children of HRH Prince Christoph Ludwig Maria of Bavaria and Countess Gudila von Plettenberg.  He was born on May 24, 1997 in Starnberg.   

The prince studied Landscape engineering at Osnabruck University of Applied Sciences and then attended the Municipal Vocational School for Manufacturing Technology, where he trained as an industrial mechanic.  He is now a work and production planner with Rail Power Systems GmbH.

 Princess Gudila lent Isabella the von Plettenberg bridal veil made of Brussels lace.   The bride arrived in a car owned by her grandfather Wolfgang Solar.

The Duke of Bavaria and his partner Thomas Greinwald and Prince Ludwig and Princess Sophie-Alexandra of Bavaria were among the guests at the wedding.  

Princess Isabella was born in Vienna, Austria, on April 2, 1998.  She is the daughter of Walter Hampel and Christine Solar, whose parents are noted Austrian chemists,  Wolfgang and Sonja Solar.  She has a Master's in Corporate Communications and is currently employed as a Technology Transformation Consultant at EY in Munich.  Her undergraduate degree is a Bachelor of Science in International Management for Service Industries from the University of Europe for Applied Sciences.  She spent a semester abroad at the University of California Santa Barbara in an Economics Immersion program,.

The couple chose to marry at the Benedictine Abbey to honor Prince Stanislaus' paternal uncle, Father Florian (1957-2022), a member of the Order of St. Benedict.  Father Florian was born HRH Prince  Franz-Josef Michael Maria Ignatius of Bavaria.   Florian and Stanislaus's father 

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting.

    I live in Salzburg, but I know nothing about the couple. Sorry.

    Greetings to Harper and Fleur.

