
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Best Free Ticket Ever!


all photos @Marlene Koenig

On Sunday, May 12, I was supposed to see Hair at the Signature Theatre in Arlington, VA.   When I got home from church, I checked my email.   Glad I did as the performance was canceled due to a cast member's illness.  I called the theatre and exchanged the ticket for next Sunday.

I decided to relax and watch the Nationals game.  I sat on the couch, browsing Facebook.  One post from the local Buy Nothing Group caught my attention.  One member offered seven tickets to the group for the 4 pm tour of the White House Gardens.

The White House Garden Tour is offered two weekends a year.  This was the second of the first weekend.  The other weekend is in October.   The tickets are free.  

I sent a message to the poster and said I would love to go.   I got one of the tickets.  Got into my car -- could have walked to her house -- and picked up the ticket.   I was limited to what I could bring into the gardens.  I grabbed a small fanny pack to hold my driver's license, AAA card, credit card, Metro card, phone, keys, and the ticket.  The NPS and the White House allow cameras.  

The sun was shining by the time I arrived at the White House.  Exclusive tour because it is only for two days.

 I focus on royalty here at Royal Musings, but I want to share my photos from a special day.  It was a fabulous tour.  The House tour does not include the Gardens.  I walked past the Oval Office.  The Marine band played for us.  

Best Free Ticket ever!!!

The tour included images of presidential tree planting

The South Lawn.  This is where the Easter Egg roll takes place,  state arrivals, ceremonies, etc.

The Colonnade 

The United States Marine Band played for us

In the background:  Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial

Aimed the lens to one of the residential windows, hoping to see Willow the First Cat.  I asked WH staff about her.  Willow has escaped from the residential area,  especially if Dr. Biden leaves a door open, but Willow is usually caught and brought back upstairs.  Willow is said to be sweet.  Of course she is.

The Rose Garden

The door behind the table is to the Oval Office

The Oval Office  The Resolute desk given to President Rutherford B. Hayes by Queen Victoria is on the other side of the windows!!!

Swing set for the Biden grandchildren

The tour follows a path toward the Pond and the foundation.  On display is The Beast, the President's car.  It is a Cadillac.  There are ten Beasts in the fleet.

Michelle Obama's Kitchen Garden

Mourning Dove

This leads to the Children's Garden and the tennis courts -- not on the tour!

Most people will never get to experience a White House Garden tour.   I am thankful to the woman who had tickets to share with neighbors, so I could go.


  1. What a lovely tour, surprised to see the roses in bloom. I would think it would be too early for such a showing. May I ask what type of musical selections did the band play for you? Was it patriotic music or some other tunes? Thanks for sharing!

  2. THe roses were amazing! Lucky you. Thanks for sharing

  3. Christina, While I was walking and taking pics, the band played selections from West Side Story.

    I kept pinching myself ... you see this all on TV but even better in person

    and the roses ... breathtaking

  4. My goodness, what a wonderful treat! You're one lucky girl! :-)

  5. and if Hair had not been canceled -- I would have missed the offer. I see Hair next Sunday
