Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The wedding of Princess Anna Lobkowicz and Count Albrecht von Eltz


The marriage of Princess Anna Lobkowicz and Count Albrecht von und zu Eltz gennant Faust von Stromberg took place in the Wallfahrtskirche  in Tuntenhausen, Upper Bavaria on July 17.  

The princess is the third of six children of Prince Maria Erich-Georg Gabriel Lobkowicz and Countess Christina von Hohenthal und Bergen.   Her full name is Anna Elisabeth Maria Christina Balthasara Margaretha and she was born in Munich on July 20, 1987.   

Count Albrecht was born in Munich on October 10, 1988.  He is the second of three children of Count Peter Ladislaus Erwein Engelbert Alexander Maria Johann Nepomuk  von und zu Eltz gennant Faust von Stromberg and Countess Maria-Georgina Ghislaine Caaroline von Quadt zy Wykradt und Isny.   Maria-Georgina's mother was Princess Marie-Charlotte of Bavaria,  second daughter of Albrecht, Duke of Bavaria and Countess Maria Draskovich of Trakostjan.

The bride and her father arrived at the church in a vintage car, which the Germans call an oldtimer. More than 300 guests attended the Roman Catholic service, which was followed by a reception at Prince and Princess Erich's home, Schloss Maxlrain, which is adjacent to the family-owned Schlossbraurei Maxlrain. 

The wedding celebrations culminated with a formal evening party, also held at the Schloss.

Karl Prince of Schwarzenberg

Prince Hermann of Leiningen

Sheik Mohammed al Hinal

Countess Anna Theresa of Arco Zinnenberg with her husband, Colin McKenzie, and their infant son

the Oldtimer with the bride and her father

The guest list included Karl Prince of Schwarzenberg,  Duke Max and Duchess Elisabeth in Bavaria with two of their sons-in-law. Daniel Terberger and Andreas von Malzan, Prince and Princess Alexander of Prussia, Prince Constantin of Bavaria, Count Constantin von Brandenstein-Zeppelin, the Prince and Princess of Castell-Rüdenhausen with their son, Lelio, the Prince and Princess of Waldburg-Zeil and their daughter, Countess Marie-Therese,  Countess Maria Beatrice of Arco-Zinneberg and her brother, Archduke Gerhard of Austria, Princess Olympia Napoleon,  Countess Anna-Theresa of Arco-Zinneberg and her husband, Colin McKenzie and their two young children, Countess Margherita of Arco-Zinneberg and her husband, Charles Green, Countess Tatjana of Walsburg-Zeil-Hohenems and her husband Philipp Eisl, Prince and Princess Hermann zu Leiningen, Prince and Princess Michael of Salm-Salm, Count Dominik von Neipperg, Prince and Princess Johannes Lobkowitz, Count Alexander von Trauttmansdorff, Count and Countess Constantin Fugger von Babenhausen (Princess Sophie of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg), Count Franz von Stauffenberg, the Prince and Princess of Windisch-Graetz, Princess Christina of Hohenlohe-Ohringen and her husband, Jan-Gisbert Schultze, Countess Lidwine von Preysing Lichtenegg Moos, Countess Philippa von Hoyos, Count and Countess Guy von Moy de Sons, Count and Countess Johannes von Moy de Sons and their son Count Johannes and his wife,  Countess Marie Agnes of Stolberg-Wernigerode.

Countess Marie-Agnes was one of the witnesses at the wedding ceremony.  In 2019,  Princess Anna was a witness to her wedding.  Philipp Eisl was Count Albrecht's best man.

Countess Maria Beatrice of Arco-Zinneberg (Archduchess of Austria) and her brother, Archduke Gerhard

the Count and Countess of Waldburg Zeil

the Prince and Princess of Castell-Rüdenhausen

Schloss Maxlrain

Duke Max and Duchess Elisabeth in Bavaria

the Prince and Princess of Waldburg-Zeil

Archduke Gerhard

Prince and Princess Johannes Lobkowiz.  The Princess was born Countess Johanna of Castell-Castell

The Prince and Princess of Quadt

The newlyweds are third cousins once removed as both descend from Prince Georg Christian Lobkowicz (1835-1908) and Princess Anna of Liechtenstein (1846-1924).  Count Albrecht has American roots as well as he is a descendant of Cornelius Vanderbilt II (1843-1899) and Alice Claypoole Gwynne through their youngest daughter Gladys Moore Vanderbilt (1886–1965) who married in 1908 to Hungarian Count László Jenő Mária Henrik Simon Széchenyi (1879–1938).

Gladys' youngest daughter, Ferdinandine Széchényi (1923-2016) married Count Alexander von und zu Eltz (1911–1977) in 1946.   Count Peter is their elder son.

Anderson Cooper, the CNN anchor and Count Peter are second cousins.  

Count Alexander is a second cousin to Daniel Finch-Hatton, 17th Earl of Winchilsea, whose paternal grandmother, Countess Gladys Széchényi was Countess Fernandine's older sister.

  Embed from Getty Images

Princess Anna is the head of Migration at the Malteser Werke in Munich.  She received a BA in Communication and Cultural Management from Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen in 2010.  A Master of Business and Science in European Business from the ESPC Business School was earned in 2014.

Count Albrecht, who has a BA in European Studies from Maastricht University, is the CEO & Executive Partner at Basenbox, an organic food delivery service.


Basenbox was founded by Countess Philippa von Hoyos, with her brother, Leopold Lovrek, and Count Albrecht in 2016.  Philippa's cousin, Lukas Lovrek joined the company in 2017.

The box meals, which can be ordered in Vienna and Munich, are, according to Count Albrecht, who was interviewed by In Style magazine in January 2022, "a balanced form of plant-based nutrition.  It's about relieving the acid-base balance."

All the meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner are organic, plant-based, and vegan).



The photos were sent to me by a friend, who is the copyright holder.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

They are related

Good luck for both.

