
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Psst I am not four ..not even close


My secret is out.  The rescue group said I was about 4 years old.  Mommy was told, perhaps a little younger.  Not a little younger, actually.  I am a baby, moving toward a toddler.  Mommy looked at my medical records when I had my special surgery in early December before I was made available for adoption.  The vet who did the surgery stated I was 1 year six months old.  Perhaps.  So mommy decided my birthday would be May 24, 2020, as my full name is Fleur Victoria.

Mommy took me to the family vet for an examination.  I needed a few tests.  I do not have Feline Leukemia or Feline AIDS and no parasites in the poop.

The vet says I am a cutie patootie but I am not 18 months old.  More like a year old.  The vet says I don't have my upper molars and I still have a kitten face.  A friend of Mommy says I am "stinkin' cute."

Mommy asked the vet to give me a new birthday.  The vet said how about December 25.  I am now an official Christmas kitty.   I was born on December 25, 2020.  It is in my official record now.  

Mommy thinks I am Purrfect. Harper likes me too.  I like him as well.

And, oh, I like baseball, especially the Washington Nationals.

Harper and I are Nats Kitties

Much Love,

Fleur Victoria Koenig, also known as Flurry and Flurrball

Yes, I am a cutie patootie and STINKIN' CUTE!