
Friday, February 5, 2021

16 million and counting


I am sure there are blogs that have a larger readership than Royal Musings but having 16 million hits since July 2008 is still remarkable by my standards.   There are long-standing readers who drop in every day or every few days and there are others who might be interested in a story that I have linked on Twitter or several Facebook pages.

All are welcome and I am thrilled and honored to know that so many people enjoy Royal Musings.   On behalf of my Royal Musings assistants,  Sienna and Harper,  thank you very much.

Apart from the Amazon links, Royal Musings does not have adverts.  I tried, but when Google Ads changed a code (which I replaced successfully) that affected the advertising revenue, so I dropped the service.  -

Researching and writing posts does take time, especially longer and more detailed posts.  I have a decent photo and postcard archive that I use to add to posts and I am grateful that Getty images have made available a small percentage of their collection free to bloggers.

I would love for Royal Musings to be a money-spinner, so I am always grateful for that cup of coffee  


  1. I never post but just wanted to say that I love your blog. It’s clear that you’re passionate about the topic of royalty which I also find fascinating. Thank you!

  2. Congratulations on passing the 16mil mark!

  3. I still remember when you launched. And also remember when you posted that you had hit your first million milestone. Congratulations, you must be very proud.
