
Monday, March 16, 2020

My latest article for BBC History Extra

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Would like to share with you my most recent article for BBC History Extra -

Working royals.

The first article was on Charles & Camilla.  I have another commission, but won't say anything until it is published.


  1. Great article Marlene! Thanks for sharing it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Excellent article that I truly enjoyed reading. One thing I noticed is that the royals who had successful careers, except for Prince Michael of Kent, seem to be the children of princesses. In other words, there was no senior royal status. Even Prince Michael was never going to be a working royal given his distance from the throne and his older brother's status. Prince Edward tried to work and even dropped his royal status in order to work but, ultimately it did not work. Maybe that's because he remained in the UK? So, perhaps the move to North America will benefit the Sussexes. What I really wonder is if they will be able to distance themselves from still being royals. Just not using the titles won't make people forget who they really are and perhaps the Sussexes will still be subjected to criticism. It will be interesting to see how this plays out for them. But, I do have one question--what about the York princesses and the Princess Royal's children. Both Beatrice and Eugenie hold full time jobs and do not seem to use their royal titles professionally. In terms of Princess Anne's children, no titles but still in the same position as some of those you discussed. Thank you for your work and maintaining such an interesting blog--I look forward to it every day.

  4. Princess Arthur was a full time working royal as well as her husband. A lot was cut from the article including Princess Michael. Beatrice and Eugenie were never meant to be working royals
