
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Fourteen Million!!!! Holy Moly

I have been so busy doing interviews for print, TV and radio that I missed this ....

Royal Musings has hit the 14 millionth visitor.  This achievement happened in the last three days.   I am sure there are blogs that get 14 million visitors per year --  I started Royal Musings in July 2008 and readership has been building since then.

 The visitor could be new or a regular reader.  Or Harper, less likely Sienna, as she prefers to be at my feet, not my keyboard.

Thank you to those who leave comments or contact me by email and a special thank you to those who have made donations or bought me a cup of coffee. I am most grateful. A lot has happened since I reached 13 million visitors/readers. The most important thing of course was that my darling, beloved Washington Nationals won the World Series on October 30, 2019 at 11:50 p.m.

Jan 11, 2020. Winterfest.  Aaron Barrett and Juan Soto.  My poster reads: I achieved Nirvana on October 30, 2019 at 11:50 p.m.


  1. Congratulations! This is well deserved! I really enjoy your blog and have learned so much from it.

  2. Go Nats! Sorry I had to miss Winterfest.

  3. Congratulations Marlene! I can always count on your blog to read accurate and well balanced views. Plus I love the historical accounts! Well done!!
