
Monday, June 24, 2019

Another American to marry a royal

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There may be another engagement between an American and a member of reigning royal house.

There are unconfirmed reports that HSH Princess Marie-Astrid Nora Margarita Veronica of Liechtenstein is about to formally announce her engagement of Ralph Worthington V, the son of Ralph Worthington IV and his former wife, Lucinda Earle Morrisey, who is the daughter of the late John Lyon Morrissey and the late Frances Earle Gensler, herself the daughter of Stanley Bertram Gensler and Florence Earle John.

Mr. Worthington accompanied Princess Marie-Astrid to the funeral of her grandfather, Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg in May.  This was acknowledged on the official guest list.

Princess Marie-Astrid. who is usually styled as Princess Astrid, was born at Brussels on June 26, 1987.  She is the second daughter of  HSH Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein, a younger brother of Hans Adam, the Prince of Liechtenstein, and HRH Princess Margaretha of Luxembourg, younger sister of  Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg.

Ralph Worthington V, who is known as Rafe, was born on April 5, 1985.  His maternal great-grandfather, William G. Morrissey, founded Metropolitan Oil.

His parents are divorced.  They both live in the Hamptons.

Rafe is one of four general partners of the Agawam Hospitality Group.  The company is named for  Agawam, the summer home of Rafe's maternal great-great grandmother's, located on South Main Street in Southampton, Long Island.

In 2012, Rafe and his former girlfriend Marina Rutherfurd opened Station Restaurant in East Quogue.  The restaurant closed in 2015.

The Agawam Hospital Group is now involved in a Farm-to-table complex in Glasco, New York, which is located on the Hudson River.

Princess Astrid has been living in London, where she was been working as an events manager.  She has a MBA from the London School of Business and Finance as well as a diploma in Cuisine and Patisserie from Le Cordon Bleu in London.

So far no "official" announcement from the princess' parents, but I will not be surprised if there is an announcement forthcoming in the not-to-distant future.

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