
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Boris tells German President about problems finding a wife

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 April 9, 1929

King Boris III of Bulgaria has expressed his woe of a wife hunt" to German President Paul von Hindenburg today in Berlin, reports the Chicago Tribune. The two men "conferred on the state of the royal princess market."

The President asked the king about his "hunt" for a wife, as reported in the international press.

"My people insist on having a queen, but it is hard to find one," King Boris said.  "That concordant between Pope Pius XI and the Italian government  came at the wrong time for my romance. After they made peace I cannot expect Premier Benito Mussolini to bring pressure on the pope to smooth over the difficulties.  That door is completely closed."

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 The king has made no secret that he and Princess Giovanna, daughter of King Vittorio Emanuele, "hit it off superbly together," but the pope refused to grant a dispensation to allow the marriage. King Boris is Orthodox.  Princess Giovanna is a Roman Catholic.

President von Hindenburg hinted to the king that there are numerous eligible German princesses, but the King, wisely, "evaded the thrust."  He has visited Germany often, but no German princess has "warmed his heart."

There is said to be one "serious candidate:"  Grand Duchess Kira of Russia, who will celebrate her 20th birthday this month.   She is said to be a "lively girl" who has caught the eye of the king.  But it is her family that the king opposes.  She is the daughter of Grand Kirill of Russia, the pretender to the throne of Russia.  The king has qualms about a marriage with Kira due to her father's claims.  She is also the niece of the Dowager Queen Marie of Romania.

King Boris has no desires to be closer to the Romanian royals.

Grand Duchess Kira is Orthodox, however.

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Boris's sister, Nadedja, who is married to Duke Albrecht of Württemberg, has taken an active interest in finding him a wife.  She "remains hot on the job as royal match maker."  The Duchess is said to be keen on Princess Feodora of Denmark, a niece of King Christian X.

Several Greek princess have also made the list as possible brides, most notably, Princesses Margarita and Theodora, the eldest two daughters of Prince and Princess Andrew of Greece, and their cousin, Princess Irene, the second daughter of the late King Constantine.  Her eldest sister, Helen, is the mother of the young King Michael of Roumania, and her eldest brother, King George II, is married to Princess Elisabeth of Romania.

King Boris will remain in Berlin for several more days before returning to Sofia.


  1. Why did he not want to be cl o we to the Romanian royal family?

  2. the relationship between the two countries was not good largely due to actions during the three balkan wars before WWI
