
Friday, June 1, 2018

More on Tommy from Bolton Landing

Well, well, well ....

The Wall Street Journal, as it turns out, was not the first to out Bolton Landing, NY's new infamous celebrity,  Tommy Muscatello.    In July 2013, Mr. Muscatello filed a change of directors form with Companies House in the UK.   Mr Muscatello Delacroix Mills had become Thomas James Mace Archer Mills.

Here is a link to the British Monarchist Society's Companies House listing, complete with financials.

The applications note that Tommy is American.

In October 2017,   this article was published with interesting details about Tommy, already noting the change of name of Muscatello to Mace Archer Mills.

The red flags have been flying for some time.


  1. As a European, it makes me laugh when you see an array of "pretend" experts from American, though you know your stuff and proven over the years. Not many if any are like you though. But for the poor journalism of today, much get by. One example is the Daily Mail's constant mistakes on any royals or nobility.

  2. Amazing how he got away with this farce for so long. Really shameful behavior. Obviously many knew and aided and abetted him through the years.

  3. Sad really. Why can't one just be proud of who they are? Seems to take up far too much energy to be someone they're not. I do remain grateful for authors such as yourself, who are absolutely genuine!

  4. A good interview after Muscatello was exposed. Note that he left the reporter with the bill


  5. I find this more accepting at the end of the day, as the Professor stated, if it doesn't harm anyone, then good on him.
    Though the triple surname was a give away to deception, but at least he didn't call himself Baron....

  6. Thanks for sharing the links, Marlene and Malta. Very interesting!

  7. I do not know the link now, but he used Lacroix and contacted Evening Standard editor regarding his book about royal fav drinks. Used info from the tabs or completely wrong fabrications about Queen's drinks (he missed her gin and tonic in the evening) but it is so cool to have one ardent US anglophile:]] Just things telling it are from press attention seeking to flashing triple barrelled surname what anybody in U-class or RF do not do to brown shoes with the suits but ok. I daresay it is good money spinning biz to him,not just hobby or obsession. He made sure he located it on Crown Estate street but he is living in USA apparently.
    Marketa B. Linden W.

  8. He is a fraud of the highest order. He left the U.S. to escape bankruptcy proceedings. That is why he changed his name, so his former "self" would not be associated with his new persona.
    Before he left, he spoke a heavy Southern accent. He borrowed money from various people with no intent on paying it back and applied for credit cards on behalf of elderly people he befriended- adopting their names as his. His company failed because he lived for free in Northern Virginia for months with a family that he "adopted" much like the ones he did in England while he wrote his cocktail book. It also failed because it didn't really do anything- he was not a real estate agent or broker. I give him credit for being able to move through the world of royalty coverage like his has.

  9. WIFFEN, can you give any sources or citations for the alleged bankruptcy proceedings. He was not known among real royal historians ... More revelations.

  10. I will try to find the case proceeding or number. My family and I have known him for well over 10 years. Very charming and funny in person. We just found it odd that his Southern accent turned into a British one so quickly when he moved.

  11. I am not an expert on accents but no one seeks so much press attention and screaming from the roofs triple barrelled surname. He used Lacroix? for his real estate business. How is it difficult to check if the person who says something is right in the head? Like my troll who lacks an evidence of her fictional jobs? His surname changed x times. I'dstick to two reasons. What Wiffen said (I read now about some handsome man who always borrowed money from x gfs, he changed his all name after the jail) and other reason could be he wants to appear as important and in the spotlight. I watched one friend of young party royals on You Tube,it was a chat show. The woman was poshy promoting her diet, bringing it to the filming but her best part was: All about royal wedding and her I will not tell you who is my client from RF. It is a secret.I am a discreet person...Beatrice not. Eugenie. LOL And you have as Marlene said, intense interest in certain subject, he had not.No blog posts, just some weird group for money making. I wonder how Serbian family could be so stupid to hire him. You have either English, Scottish forebear in UK,it is a normal thing, but 2 quasi grand parents sounds off and odd..I wonder with my troll who can't stay on one topic aka book reviews, why she hides her real surname..I think it is about hiding something.You miss any basic info about her college etc, he just changed x times surnames but he didn't created his fantasy cyber non existing evidence lacking life but moved to UK and created here some sort of cyber life..aka that accent, expert like job...weird.

  12. And with that and US financial press in USA...
    I'd say he enjoys any perks of negative press bcs it leaves him in the spotlight. All what he hoped for, maybe also escape from US chapter 11 and some misery.
