
Monday, February 13, 2017

Princess Mary cries after leaving brother

February 13, 1937

Princess Mary, the Duke of Windsor's only sister, left Vienna earlier today on the Orient Express with her husband, the Earl of Harewood, reports the New York Times.  The Duke of Windsor accompanied them to the train station after "entertaining them at luncheon in the Hotel Bristol.

The Princess and her husband arrived in Vienna a week ago.  The "demeanor of the crowd" outside the train station has "undergone a curious change since the Princess Royal's arrival."   It was the first time that the "Viennese masses" had seen the Duke since the abdication, and they had cheered when he greeted his sister.  Now a week later, there is no cheering.  The "general atmosphere" appears to be more of respect "at the funeral of a distinguished person than the enthusiasm for a living patronage."

The Duke drove the car carrying his sister and her husband to Vienna from Enzesfeld  Castle.  They were accompanied by the Duke's equerry, Sir John Aird, and Major Metcalfe.

Princess Mary was dressed in a black sealskin coat and a red hat.  Her brother gave her a bouquet of red roses, which she carried onto the train.   There were no restrictions "on the public's use of the platform," apart from keeping the royal coach clear.  Just before the train pulled out of the station, the Duke "kissed his sister affectionately on both cheeks and she returned the embrace."

Two Austrian detectives remain with the Princess until she reached the border.  Princess Mary and Lord Harewood are traveling back to London with gifts from the Duke to his mother, his brothers, the Duke of Kent's new daughter, and Queen Elizabeth.  Lord Harewood was seen carrying large envelopes addressed to members of the British royal family

Earlier today, the Duke of Windsor "unexpectedly" met Princess Juliana of the Netherlands and her husband, Prince Bernhard,  in the Hotel Bristol's dining room.  The Duke gave Princess Juliana an "impulsive embrace," and they chatted for about ten minutes, mostly about skiing.

Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard are on their honeymoon.

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