
Saturday, November 12, 2016

King won't marry American, says British magazine

November 12, 1936

A privately circulated magazine, The Week, has concluded there "is little possibility" that King Edward VIII will abdicate or marry Mrs. Wallis Simpson, reports the New York Times.

The magazine's headline "The King and the Rumors" leads to the statement that the Coronation will take place as scheduled.

"Actually the most important factor in any calculation of the possibility of postponement is the Duke of Connaught.  It is thought that the Duke is at present in good health but he is now a very old man and were he to die suddenly on the eve of the coronation the ceremony might well be postponed.

"This factor might account for the slightly higher rate than usual, but certainly does not explain the present rate nor the special rate of 8 percent, which on this occasion, for the first time, is being quoted against postponement for causes other than the death of a member of the royal family, the King's illness or war.

"The idea behind the rate is that the King will insist on marrying Mrs., Simpson and that the opposition of the Bishops to such non-conformity and of the Conservative Party generally will force him from the throne.

"In any case, there is yet no evidence to support the premise of the American press and the City gamblers that there is an affection between the King and Mrs. Simpson of the kind they suppose, or that either party has yet contemplated marriage with each other."

The Duke of Connaught, 86, is the king's great-uncle, and the only surviving son of Queen Victoria.  He has two surviving sisters,  Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, who is 88 years old, and 79-year-old, Princess Beatrice.

The Week, which is published by a mimeograph machine, also discussed the "battle royal" waged at the place between the old Guard, and the new courtiers, headed by Sir John Aird.   The Earl of Derby is the "substantial figure" who towers over the old Guard, which thoroughly disapproves of the new court,.

The old guard has had some success as ten days ago, the Archbishop of Canterbury met with the King, where the topic of conversation was Mrs. Simpson, at least, according to old guard rumors.

"However, these attempts to discredit the King's friendship with Mrs. Simpson were dispelled when she lunched last week with the Queen.

"The old guard can only report one local success.  At Aberdeen, a well-fostered rumor about the King's failure, when at Balmoral, to attend some local function due in some inexplicable way to Mrs. Simpson's influence, resulted in the chalking of streets in one district at least with personal attacks on the King.

"Actually, it is now abundantly clear that the King's friendship, with the assistance of the American and foreign press, has been grossly exploited by persons who occupied in the last reign, a position in which they could influence the throne, and who are greatly disappointed that they cannot do the same at the present time."

The newer courtiers think Mrs. Simpson is "ace high."

Reliable sources tell the New York Times that the King and a "small party of friends," were the guests of Mrs. Simpson at 16 Cumberland Terrace last evening,  The party lasted until after midnight.


  1. It's funny, in retrospect, since he clearly abdicated and married Simpson. The New York Times could not have been more wrong.

  2. It was the British magazine that stated he would not marry
