
Friday, March 18, 2016

Finally - a wedding date

Prince Leka II and Miss Elia Zaharia have finally set the date.  They announced today that they will marry in Tirana on October 8,  They became engaged in May 2010.

Miss Zaharia is an Albanian actress and singer.

Prince Leka, who has worked in several Albanian government offices, is the only child of the late Crown Prince Leka (1939-2011) and Australian-born Susan Cullen-Ward (1941-2004).   He is also the grandson of the late King Zog and his Hungarian-American wife, Countess Geraldine Apponyi de Nagy-Apponyi.  Geraldine's mother was Gladys Virgina Steuart.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! We are very happy for them and wish them every happiness and good luck!

  2. Finally after six long years of engagement, Congratulations.. They will hopefully have a long fruitful marriage for the sake of future of the monarchy of Albania.
