
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Ludwig's marriage declared void

A panel of judges at the South Jakarta religious court have ruled that the marriage between Hereditary Count Ludwig von Waldburg zu Wolfsegg und Waldsee has been been declared invalid by the laws of Indonesia.

The Chief Judge ruled that there were 10 discrepancies with the certificate of marriage.  Moreover, the judge said that the marriage was never recorded in the church, where Jessica claimed it took place.

"The plaintiff (Ludwig) was able to prove the absence of marriage."   The judges have ruled in Hereditary Count Ludwig's favor.

Jessica's son, El Barack Alexander, has been declared to have been born outside marriage (illegitimate). The court ruling did not declare whether Ludwig is the father or not or if he is obligated to pay support.

This court case was solely about the status of an alleged marriage between Iskandar and Hereditary Count Ludwig.  The judge could not rule on El Barack's status because Ludwig only sued to have the marriage removed from the official records and declared null and void.

This decision is not final as Jessica Iskandar has two weeks to appeal the decision.  From what I understand from Google translations of articles, if she doesn't appeal, the decision will be final.


  1. Finally some common sense !. Maybe an illegtiimate child !

  2. Interesting blog. Especially on the Royal Family. I was a kid when I first saw The Queen,
    she visited Malaysia. She has her own style of waving. God blessed her.

    Rahim Maarof
