
Monday, February 3, 2014

Empress Marie to live in Denmark

February 3, 1918

Recently arrived in Copenhagen, the new Bolshevik representative has told the press that former Dowager Empress Marie, is "coming to reside in Denmark," reports the New York Times.

Empress Marie was born Princess Dagmar of Denmark.


  1. The Bolsheviks were psychics? HIM did not leave Russia until 1919! She was aboard the HMS Marlborough and rested in Malta before arriving in the UK. She did eventually make it to Denmark, dying there in 1928.

  2. You do realize, lisa, that the Bolsheviks would have shown her the door and got her to Denmark, but she stayed and made her way to the Crimea, thinking her sons were alive. You also have to realize that there were a lot of stories in the papers at the time about rescues, survival, leaving the country, etc.
