
Monday, January 27, 2014

Text of the Act of Reconciliation


ON THE ONE PART HRH Prince Don Carlo of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, and his Consort HRH Princess Donna Camilla, Duchess of Castro, both on their own behalf and in personal and dynastic representation, and on behalf of their daughters HRH Princess Donna Maria Carolina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duchess of Palermo and HRH Princess Donna Chiara of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duchess of Capri.

AND ON THE OTHER PART HRH Prince Don Pedro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Noto, on his own behalf and on behalf of His Father HRH Prince Don Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Calabria, Infante of Spain, by whom he has been expressly delegated to complete this RECONCILIATION, together with his spouse HRH Princess Dona Sofia, Duchess of Noto, and their son HRH Prince Don Jaime of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Capua.

BOTH PARTIES, animated by a desire for family and dynastic rapprochement and reconciliation between the two branches of the Royal House of Bourbon - Two Sicilies, which, due to historical circumstances, misunderstandings and misconceptions by family members, has been for many years the subject of disputes both personal and among its supporters:

BEING AWARE that the divisions and disputes between the two branches produced nothing except greater division and loss of prestige for the dynasty, aside from the good example of family harmony that is expected from such a distinguished Royal House.

UNDERSTANDING that on the one hand in accord with the times and because the judgment of history requires them to leave evidence of a good example and harmony and on the other hand because the division between the Constantinian knights and dames militating within the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George is harmful to the Order and its aims .

BOTH SIDES BEING AWARE of the continuous efforts of our recent Popes and, in particular, of our present Holy Father, Pope Francis, in favour of the re- evangelization of Europe and of the unity of all Christians

DECLARING their common desire for reconciliation, as a family and as Constantinians of both branches and to put an end to the rivalries and misunderstandings between family members and their supporters , in a renewed Constantinian and Catholic spirit of service to the Holy Church and spreading our Holy Faith.

CONFIDENT on the part of both that Divine Providence is charged with indicating the way to dynastic unity of the Royal House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies

AGREEING that both parties shall in the meanwhile put all their efforts to a dynastic and family commitment towards achieving a spirit of harmony and understanding not only between themselves but also between their followers and supporters , RECOGNISING RESPECTIVELY AS COUSINS THE TREATMENT AND TITLES PRESENTLY USED BY BOTH PARTIES AND THEIR DESCENDANTS, ACTING PUBLICLY TOGETHER AS A SINGLE FAMILY .

And in good faith and family concord to invite to join in this ACT OF RECONCILIATION all the members of the dynasty of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, to whom both parties will make known this private ACT OF RECONCILAITION

Signed at Naples the 24 January 2014.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for all the information. I am so happy for this and maybe we shall see a reconciliation between the Savoie's too. After all Pr Emmanuele Filiberto has no sons as yet and his heir would be the Duca di Aosta after all. The Duca di Aosta and his son and children are more or less the last of the Savoia's. Before we reach the illegitimate branch of Savoie-Villafranca.
