
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Bagration vs Bagration: the gloves are off

Talk about a messy divorce.  The dueling Bagration lines (heirs to the former kingdom of Georgia) may need a larger linen closet to air their dirty laundry.

In response to his former son-in-law, Prince David's statement on December 15th,  Prince Nuzgar has made it clear that David has been a very naughty boy.

"The House of Mukhrani, a noble Georgian house, recently made the following announcement in December of 2013 :
'With much regret, I announce the end of my marriage with Anna Bagrationi, which I thank for the wonderful son we have in common, H.R.H.Giorgi Bagration Bagrationi, declared as future heir of the Bagrationi Dynasty by His Holiness Patriarch of All Georgia Illia II in the day of His Baptism on November 3, 2013, who like his Father, Grandfather and ancestors, will hold the title of Prince of Mukhrani.'

Rumor says the divorce is because of adultery on the part of David with an actress, but the relationship was stormy from the beginning. Prince David first abandoned HRH Princess Anna after he refused to sign an agreement to follow the Ancient Sovereign Succession Rules of the Royal House, which would enable any child born of the couple to be heirs. The Patriarch convinced Princess Anna to follow David back to Spain, but here David again abandoned her and the Patriarch of Georgia supported her for many years pleading with her not to come back to Georgia. Therefore, the announcement was not unexpected. The wrongs committed against Anna were intolerable. 
This sad news of a failed marriage, however, is further blighted by the fact that His Holiness the Patriarch of All Georgia never declared Prince Giorgi Bagration Bagrationi was the heir to the Royal House of Georgia on the day of his Baptism as proclaimed in the above announcement by Prince David. Prince David's websites often misinform rather than report facts. (See for more examples.)"

 The Official Website of the Royal House of Georgia:

I have corrected the misspellings in the statement.

The original story:

The succession according to Prince Nuzgar:


  1. Marlene, does the House of Bagration have much money? Or are they name-rich/cash poor?

    Also, one of the commentators referred to the marriage between David and Anna was problematic from the beginning. Do you have any blog entries about that from the time?


  2. Yes, there are numerous post -- type Bagration in the search box at top left of blog

  3. There may be some money in the Spanish branch, but certainly not with the Georgian branches.

  4. I remember when Georgian royalist politicians went to Madrid several years ago to meet Prince Jorge, late David's father, they invited him to go to Georgia. The Georgian politians were shocked when Prince Jorge Bragation answered "...and who will pay the flight's ticket?".
    Jorge was a race driver in the 60's and 70's but I don't think Spanish Bragation have a fortune.
    Prince Irakly, David's grandfather married a Spanish infanta, HRH Mercedes of Bavaria and Borbón. Her father, Infante Fernando of Bavaria, wasn't very happy because he didn't consider Irakly to have a real royal status.
    When in the 90's the Spanish Bragation were invited to go to Georgia, Bragat of Bragation, Irakly's son by Infanta Mercedes, considered himself the only right pretender to the Georgian Throne. Jorge was Irakly's son by his frist wife, a Italian countess. Bragat considered frist marriage of thier father morganatic.
    Both brothers didn't care too much for Georgia when they lived in Spain but when they noticed there was a real posibility to return to Georgia as kings they started to fight each other. I don't think Spanish Bragation are nice people.

  5. am aware of this, Juan. Grand Duke Wladimir was asked about the equality of the Georgian family. He brought together several experts, including legal experts, and they determined the Bagrations were also a former ruling family, and thus, equal so the Spanish marriage took place. I sincerely doubt there is a movement toward monarchy in Georgia, as the monarchy has been gone for more than 200 years. But Nuzgar's line may have the real claim although the Spanish branch were the only known branch for many years.
