
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Death of the Tsarevitch

July 11, 1899

Nicholas II's official manifesto about his late brother, Grand Duke George, was published today.

"Our beloved brother and heir to the throne, the Grand Duke George Alexandrovitch died at Abbas Tuman June 28 (old style).  The illness which attacked him might, it was hoped,  yield to the treatment initiated and the influence of the southern climate.  But God willed otherwise.  In submitting without a murmur to the decree of Providence, we call our faithful subjects ti share our deep sorrow with us, and to offer fervent prayers for the repose of the soul of our departed brother.

"Henceforth, and so long as it may not be please God to bless us with a son, the right of succession to throne devolves, according to the precise definition of the law of succession, upon our beloved brother, the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovitch."

The manifesto was signed "Nicholas."

Grand Duke George's body will be brought to St Petersburg and interred in the cathedral of St Paul and St. Peter.  The Emperor and his family have received telegrams of condolences from Queen Victoria, King Umberto and other European sovereigns.

The late Grand Duke was an "English scholar and an earnest student of naval matters."

Contrary to reports, however, the Grand Duke had not married privately with his mother's consent.'


  1. Ah, the marriage or marriages of Georgiy! Is there issue? Did he really have 2-4 children, with a morganic marriage or not? Does the Romanov family actually recognize a decedent today? I think a biography of Georgiy is long overdue! Despite some rumblings in teh past from Penny Wilson and others, there may be a great story to tell here.

  2. Kent, George never married, never had children, he was far too ill ... the stories were fiction

  3. That is my inclination, however Penny Wilson and Greg King throw it out there, that there is a living decedent and accept it as truth. Certainly not another Anna Anderson...on another note, the family feels strongly that his medical care was suspect. Georgiy did have some interesting interaction in Cannes in 1895 with Franz Ferdinand. I am also not buying the gay or bisexual element that is occasionally kicked around. Georgiy Alexandrovich is a very interesting side of the Romanov family that is largely ignored.

  4. Not convinced. The Romanovs were rather bad at hiding illegitimate children :) An entire book on the illegitimate descendants

  5. Very curious, of course. And his health seems, spotty. In 1895, in went to Denmark to visit 1896, he was in France and a regular at the gambling hall. In 1893, he was with family in the Crimean. Earlier, he was in Poland hunting. Yet in 1894, he did not return for his sisters wedding, his Fathers funeral, or his brothers wedding. He also seemed to manage his health care at times, as he wanted, such as smoking.

    The start of all his health issues coming out was his leg problem on his and Nicky's cruise, when fooling around and wrestling, with his brother, he fell down the stairs of the cruiser.

    Oh well, we always have Michael to discuss!

  6. I have read, "Royal Bastards" by DeWar, which is the British there a Russia or Romanov similar?

  7. It is an extensive genealogy of the descendants of grand dukes (morganatic and illegitimates issue) published in France some years ago now.

  8. Of course Georgiy had TB, but his family, especially his Mother did not want to believe. Well, she also wanted to believe Nicky and family was alive in 1928. Coyne Hall also mentions the marriage rumors in her book on Minnie, but does not really seem to buy into it. I lean more to the no contracted marriage, but possible issue outside of marriage. Having some familiarity with terrible diseases, I am sure Georgi y had good days and bad. Pictures of the 1898 visit of Minnie, Olga, MIsha, look pretty good with Georgiy. Georgiy is a story that we will probably never know all the detail...
