
Friday, March 22, 2013

Tatiana's baby has arrived

Tatiana Santo Domingo, fiancée of Andrea Casiraghi, has given birth to a son yesterday, March 21st.  Name and place of birth not known, but perhaps London.   Mother and baby are both doing well, according to the announcement released by the happy grandmother, the Princess of Hanover (Caroline of Monaco.)

"S.A.R. la Princesse de Hanovre et Madame Vera Santo Domingo ont la joie de vous annoncer la naissance de leur petit-fils, né le 21 mars 2013.

This is the first grandchild for Princess Caroline.  The baby will not have dynastic rights until the couple marry in a civil ceremony, according to Monegasque law.  After this takes place, baby Casiraghi will be third in line to the throne.


  1. so let me get this straight... the baby (or any heir) would be considered legitimate if his/her parents are married, even if that marriage took place AFTER the birth?

  2. Yes. A legitimated child has the same rights as a legitimate child, according to French and Monegasque laws. The heir also has to be a citizen of Monaco at the time of death of the previous prince.

    Right now baby Casiraghi has no rights. Same position as Princess Stephanie's younger daughter, Camille. Once they are married, baby moves into third place.

  3. Do you know when her actual due date was? Maybe I'm wrong but I thought this was rather early.

  4. They never said. It had been largely assumed that she was due in January, bases on pics shortly after the engagement was announced
