
Monday, March 11, 2013

King Peter has the flu

March 11, 1937

Twelve year old King Peter II of Yugoslavia is confined to bed with a "bad case of influenza," according to a wireless dispatch to the New York Times,''

His mother, Queen Marie, who had been in England to bring her second son, Prince Tomislav, 9 years old, is now en route to Belgrade to be with King Peter.

Princess Olga, the wife of Prince Paul, president of the Regency, is also said to be recovering from the flu.


  1. just saw on cnn that the Queen is canceling further engagements due to her stomach illness. i don't know why, but i have a bad feeling. do you think they're telling the whole truth over at the palace? do you think there's reason to be concerned?

  2. She is 86 years, and gastroenteritis is not pleasant for anyone. She eats well, is busy, but age is perhaps catching up ...I won't be concerned unless the Prince of wales's trip is made short

  3. There is a picture of her on another site where she is wearing more makeup than I have ever noticed her wearing. I find that to be a concern. Normally I probably wouldn't but a couple of newspaper articles had mentioned how pale she was.
