
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Buddy Rich Koenig: May 27, 1996- August 8, 2012

Buddy Rich Koenig, the beloved orange tabby, died today. He was 16 years old.  He had suffered from a lung ailment, perhaps pneumonia, and had not responded to treatment. 

He is survived by his mom, Marlene, and his brother, Edison, 15, and his sister, Sienna, 7.

Buddy was much loved.


  1. marlene - i am so deeply sorry about buddy. i understand the loss of an animal family member, having lost a few myself. my heart, thoughts, and prayers are with you....

    wanda stella

  2. So sorry to hear about Buddy. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

  3. I am so very sorry. Our furry children are so precious. I'm sure he knew he was loved.

  4. I'm sorry, Marlene. It's hard to lose a very beloved pet. We also had a jaw-droppingly high vet bill when one of our kitties slipped outside one night and got in a particularly nasty (and ultimately fatal) fight with a German shepherd.

    My thoughts are with you, and I'm glad your Buddy had a long happy life as a very loved cat. :)

  5. I'm sorry to hear about Buddy's death. I lost my 16 year old tabby/white mix last week, Phaedra, from kidney failure and no colon function. I'm sure you're as sad as I am, but we both know we gave our tabbies good lives and a lot of love. I have two remaining cats who I am giving a lot of extra love to.

    I bet Buddy will send you a message that he's doing fine up in cat heaven or where ever they are now.

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss! Rest in peace, dear Buddy. You will be sorely missed.

  7. I am sorry to hear of your loss.

  8. Marlene,

    Sorry to hear about your loss. Treasure the good memories and the knowledge that Buddy lived a good life with you and was much loved.

  9. Oh Marlene, I'm so very sorry...just remember all the good times..also know that Bill & Buddy are watching over you.

  10. Marlene, Today I lost my 16 yrs old Maine Coon red tabby named Romeo. He had a large tumor at the base of his tongue and failing kidney function. I'm remembering (QEQM's) quote 'grief is the price we pay for love...Melanie

  11. Melanie, A huge hug, and my condolences. I know what you are going through.

  12. Im so sorry to hear. Hugs to you.

  13. thank you all for your wonderful and comforting remarks. Buddy was a truly special orange tabby. He promised me that in time he will send me another orange tabby to love ...but I still have Edison and Sienna. Both of whom are very spoiled cats.
