
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Where was Mum?

Princess Eugenie received her degree yesterday from the University of Newcastle.  Her dad, the Duke of York, and her older sister, Princess Beatrice. attended the commencement ceremony.  But not Mum.

It appears that Sarah, Duchess of York, is in Thailand, where she is recuperating from surgery. It is not known where or when she had surgery (or for what .. but a certain gynecological procedure comes to mind), but it is unlikely that she had the operation in England ... someone would have spilled the beans.


  1. I was thinking "rehab".....I find it amazing that no one has ever speculated that she and Di could have had drug problems like tons of other wealthy young women. I hope not, but still.

    Let's get this right. She's dead broke so she goes to Thailand to recuperate? That'll win her respect....not.

  2. Diana, for all her faults, was not a druggie. Sarah has spent time in Phuket on numerous occasions. Thailand is not for rehab from drugs. I am only guessing a hysterectomy but anything is possible. Am sure someone will dig up something

  3. I'm thinking it could potentially be something serious. Not to be an alarmist, but say what you want about Sarah -- and we often do -- she is her daughters' biggest champion and unless it was something very serious or something very unexpected, a team of wild horses wouldn't keep her from the graduation.

  4. I've heard 'medical tourism' is a popular thing. One can go oversees and get procedures done at a fraction of what they would cost home. A friend of mine went home to visit relatives in Croatia, and came back with a mouthful of dental implants! She said it was about 1/10th what she would have paid in the US.

    Maybe Sarah had extensive cosmetic surgery, head to toe! I don't think she's a stranger to the knife!

  5. Marlene, Do you think the royal spin doctors have asked (demanded) through Andrew, that Sarah keep a low profile during the Queen's celebrations?

  6. No. Sarah would not have missed her daughter's graduation unless she was ill ... I am more surprised that the press have not pressed further about what is wrong.
