
Saturday, May 12, 2012

It's over for Corinna and the King

I said this would happen.  It was bound to end in sadness and tears (and possible litigation.) 

Corinna Prinzessin zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg has "ceased to be problem" for King Juan Carlos, according to Pilar Eyre, a columnist for the Spanish newspaper El Mundo.

The twice-divorced Corinna has decamped to Monte Carlo, leaving her home in  El Pardo, near Zarzuela.   Juan Carlos has cut all ties with his now former mistress, apparently for reasons of state.  According to a confidential source, Eyre learned that the King is claim, eager to move forward, and, although he is not always well-advised, the King does "trust his own instincts."

There will be no divorce for the King and Queen, and Juan Carlos has no intention of abdicating his throne.

Corinna, who will always be seen as the other woman, has retained the services of prestigious German lawyer, Matthias Prinz, who also represents Princess Caroline of Monaco. 

Prinz's father, former director of the German tabloid newspaper, Bild, will use his legal-eagle eyes to track media reports about his client, and will sue on Corinna's behalf if he feels she has been compromised by the media.  [There is a certain irony to this as Bild was one of the papers to identify Corinna as the king's hussy, I mean, close companion.]

Compromised by the media?   One might already have the view that the German-born Corinna has already been in a few compromising positions of her own making. 

Eyre notes that Corinna will not suffer, and she won't go hungry even though she won't be providing comfort and care to an elderly king. 

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