
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Princess Ingrid a godmother

July 14, 1931

Princess Ingrid of Sweden is one of the godmothers of Patrick Benjamin, the four-month old son of the Hon. Loel Guinness and Mrs. Guinness, reports the New York Times.  The baptism took place at the "fashionable church" of St. Margaret's, Westminster, where the infant's parents were also married in 1927.

The Hon. Mrs. Guinness is the former Hon. Joan Yarde-Buller, daughter of the 3rd Lord Churston

The Princess gave her new godson a "christening up of Swedish silver, engraved with her monogram surmounted with a crown."


  1. Interesting connection to the Aga Khan in this...

  2. Indeed - and the infant would grow up to marry his stepsister
