
Thursday, June 16, 2011

A "closed shop"

The decision of the "Union of High German nobility" to exclude Nancy Leishman did not sit well with the editors at the New York Times.

Two days after the Association of High German Nobility announced that the "closed shop rule will be strictly enforced in the case of Miss Nancy Leishman" after she marries the Duke of Croy.

The newspaper's editors noted that "the very highest nobility of other countries profits occasionally from the infusion of fresh and pure blood."  But the Prussian brahmins  "set their faces against all intruders."   In other words,  they are not going to allow Miss Leishman to "have a union card."

Miss Leishman will have to content herself with being the wife of the Duke of Croy, but not be his Duchess.  It is a "terrible affliction for a young woman to bear" but she will "bear it with fortitude and the cheerfulness inherent in a happy nature."  She will be seen as a "scab" to members of the union, but she will not be "subjected to violent treatment."

If there is an "outbreak of sabotage"  the German police will be called in to "act valiantly" to uphold the right of a "good-looking, well-bred woman to serve as the wife of the man of her choice, with or without union papers, especially when she has the money."

The editors also wonder about the "qualifications a person must possess to gain admittance to this select and gracious circle."   The Duke of Croy's ancestors were "marauders, slayers of their fellow-men, stealers of cattle, hard fighters and harder drinkers."   Nor did the Duke's ancestors "exceed in number, excel in strength, or surpass in wit," in comparison with Miss Leishman's ancestors.

It is also unlikely that the German High Nobility "contains any woman comelier than Miss Leishman, better educated, or higher principles."

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