
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Victoria Eugenia returns to Spain to support husband

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 February 17,1931

Queen Victoria Eugenia of Spain arrived in Madrid tonight at 8:30 from London.   She has returned to a country engulfed in a crisis that threatens her husband's throne."  As she alighted from the train, a crowd of 1,500 people cheered her, giving her "the greatest ovation of her life."  Many of the crowd wore talk silk hats, which "marked them as of the aristocracy."  They "jammed the station platform to show their loyalty to the crown," reports the New York Times.

"Viva la Reina," the crowd shouted over and over again.  The Duke of Zaragoza acted as the engineer, who pulled the train into the station.  
Queen Ena's daughters, Infanta Beatriz and Infanta Maria Cristina ran up "to their mother as she stepped from the railway car and kissed her."

The Queen was "obviously touched by the reception." She walked along the platform as "members of the government closed around her to keep her from being crushed" by the crowd.

King Alfonso waited for her in the station's royal salon, and "embraced her in front of the assembled nobility."

Outside the station were more crowds, largely young members of the Pro-Monarchist Legionnaires of Spain.  The enthusiasm of these crowds led to "subsequent rioting and numerous arrests."   More than 500 people followed the King and Queen to the Palace, and cheered in front until the royal family "appeared on the balcony and waved their handkerchiefs."

Meanwhile, Republicans "rushed along several downtown streets, shouting "Viva la Republica!"Several arrests were made by the police.

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