
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Louise tosses out nurse

February 15, 1905

The Countess Montignoso's affairs "took a dramatic turn today," reports the New York Times.  For some time, the former Crown Princess Luise of Saxony had "suspected" that her daughter's German nurse, Mahote, planned to abduct Princess Anna and take her to Germany to her father, King Friedrich August of Saxony.  Today, the Countess told the nurse that the German  Consult was waiting to meet her at the gate of the villa in Florence, where  she is living.  The Countess took Mahote to the fates, and then quickly pushed her outside, and closed and locked the gate.  She shouted to the nurse: "Go to your master, spy."
The Countess went back to the house, and ordered that all of the nurse's belongings be thrown out of the window to the street below.  The nurse "protested her ejection," to no avail.  She finally walked into town, found a locksmith, saying she had lost her key.   The locksmith "declined to help."   The nurse then went to see Dr. Koerner, the Dresden lawyer who had recently visited the countess to demand that the relinquish custody of Princess Anna.   Dr. Koerner, accompanied by the German consul and the nurse, went back to the villa, "where they found all the doors bolted and even the bell wires cut."    The lawyer contacted the police for assistance, but was told "they could not enter a private house without an order from the court."
The Countess' neighbors have declared that they will "personally oppose any attempt at violence" agaisnt the former Crown Princess.

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