
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Constantine leaves for Athens

December 14, 1920

King Constantine of the Hellenes and his entourage left their hotel in Lucerne to begin the journey to Athens, according to the New York Times.  The king's "joy in his departure was obvious and natural," but his seven-year-old daughter,  Princess Katherine "was very reluctant to leave the waters and her other friends on the staff of the hotel
A curious crowd gathered outside the train station, where the king's three carriages were kept at a separate platform.  His eldest daughter, Princess Helen, was seen carrying an English magazine.   Baskets of fruit were brought aboard the train.

The Associated press reports that King Constantine and Queen Sophie and other members of the royal family left for Athens "without ceremony."  They were cheered at the railroad station "by a great crowd."  Because the King does not have a passport, he was given a special document from the Swiss Government to allow him to cross the border into Italy.  
Constantine is expected to reach Venice on Wednesday.   He and his family "remained in seclusion" on the train.  A Greek cruiser will be waiting in Venice to bring the Royal family back to Greece, where Constantine will be restored to the throne.

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