
Monday, April 19, 2010

Hitler to seize Habsburg riches

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 April 19, 1938

The Nazi regime in Austria "has been empowered through a warrant for the arrest of Archduke Otto," who is the claimant to the Austrian throne, to "lay its hands on the greater share" of the former Imperial family's properties in Austria, according to the Chicago Tribune news service.

The former Austrian governments of the late Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss, who was assassinated, and Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg returned to the Habsburgs the properties that were seized by Austria's postwar Socialist government."
The Austrian estates are said to be worth $10,000,000. The family also owns "costly art treasures."

Archduke Otto has been branded a traitor by the National Socialist government. "Since the traitor Otto fled to Paris, where he whined for help for the poor oppressed Austrian people against Hitler, a warrant now has been issued against him," said one high government official. "This scion of the house of Habsburg, which already in the world war made a habit of high treason, is registered in the criminal records of state authorities. The scene closes on the 'dynasty of rulers' with this son of the traitor Emperor Karl and his wife, Zita."


  1. I think history has rendered judgment on this alleged treason.

    Otto lebt noch!

    Hoch Habsburg!
