
Friday, March 26, 2010

Roller Skating Queen

March 26, 1910

Queen Elena and her children have "taken to roller skating," says the Marquise de Fontenoy in her latest column. Little Princess Yolanda has become especially adept, and "the great parqueted halls of the Quirinal, where formerly the popes held court and presided over great ceremonies of the church," now "resound with the clatter of the roller skates and with the merry laughter of the little princesses."
The Queen's younger sister, Princess Vera of Montenegro, and their niece, Princess Helen of Serbia, the daughter of King Peter, have also become roller skating enthusiasts, as have the queen's ladies in waiting. But despite "the entreaties of his children," King Victor Emmanuel will not join in, fearing he will fall, and "contents himself with looking on."
The presence of Princess Vera and Princess Helena has made the court "much gayer this winter and spring than at any time since the accession of King Victor Emmanuel." The king and Queen have "emerged from their retirement," and have been hosting and attending dances and balls, and going to receptions and entertainments.
And now, the Italian royal family has taken up the delight of roller skating.

1 comment:

  1. Since roller skate wheels were most likely metal back then, one can imagine what damage was done to those magnificent parquet floors!
